The Scoop 67 – Tim Lattie

In this episode, Pickle sits down with Tim Lattie as they discuss toys and their impact on his work, his upcoming projects including Superbud, Ghostbusters World the Game, Night Stars, WWE Comics, Plants v Zombies comics and more. Be sure to follow Tim at @teamlattie on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and most social medias. Also be sure to check out for more of Tim’s amazing work.

The Scoop 66 – Southern Brutality

In this episode, Pickle sits down and chats with Jon and Matt from Southern Brutality. We discuss their upcoming shows, the effects of band member changes, songs about Wizard of Oz, and a host of other topics. As always, thank you to then for joining me. Thanks for watching, liking, commenting, and subscribing to our channel!

The Scoop 65 – Zombies Eating Sheep

Here to promote their new song Puffaluffagus and their upcoming show on 4/20 @ Southport Hall, Zombies Eating Sheep joins me in the Studio. Be sure to check them out at the event: (…) and check out more about them and their work at